Thursday, April 7, 2011



Plant diversity is the foundation of a simple organic gardening technique known as “companion planting”. Herbs are great companions in the garden – they help plants flourish by providing nutrients, they protect against disease, they repel pests, they attract beneficial insects and they entice bug-eating birds. Herbs are great multi-tasking defenders of the garden that help tip the ecological balance in the gardener’s favor. Try planting some of these herbs to enhance your garden, but note some harmful combinations also:

ANISE – Plant with coriander. Attracts beneficials and repels pests

BASIL - Plant with tomatoes. Attracts butterflies & beneficials and repels flies and mosquitoes

BORAGE - Plant with beans, squash, strawberries and tomatoes. Attracts bees and beneficials and deters tomato worms

CALENDULA – Plant with cabbage family, corn and lettuce. Attracts beneficial lacewings

CARAWAY – Plant throughout the garden to loosen soil. Attracts beneficial insects

CHAMOMILE – Plant as a healing type herb among plants

CHERVIL – Plant with radishes for a hotter taste

CHIVES – Plant with carrots, grapes, apples, roses and potatoes. Deters diseases

DILL – Plant with cabbage but keep away from carrots. Attracts bees and beneficials in flower

HORSERADISH – Plant on each corner of a potato patch or under apple trees to deter pests & diseases

MARJORAM/OREGANO – Plant with all vegetables. Attracts bees and beneficials

MINT – Plant near cabbage and tomatoes. Deters white cabbage moth and attracts beneficials

NASTURTIUM – Plant near fruit trees, tomatoes, radish, cabbage and broccoli. Masks plant odors and repels many pests

PARSLEY – Plant near asparagus, corn, roses and tomatoes Attracts honeybees

ROSEMARY – Plant near cabbage, beans, carrot and sage. Deters cabbage moth, bean beetles, and carrot fly

SAGE – Plant near cabbage, carrots and rosemary but away from cucumbers. Deters cabbage moth and carrot fly, attracts bees

SUMMER SAVORY – Plant with beans and onions to improve growth and flavor

TARRAGON – Plant with most vegetables to enhance growth

THYME – Plant near cabbage, cauliflower, eggplant, potatoes and tomatoes. Repels cabbage worm and attracts bees


The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it,
the world and all who live in it

Psalm 24:1

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