Thursday, January 23, 2014





A whole world of flavor is in lemon-scented herbs.  They include edibles great for flavoring plus they add scent to bouquets and potpourri blends.  Each has its own characteristics that make it unique in the garden and on the table.  Combined they make a refreshing herbscape and may be visually enhanced with lemon-colored perennials such as “Moombean” coreopsis or “Moonshine” yarrow plus annuals such as yellow pansies. 


Against these many yellow hues, tangerine southernwood, a cultivar of Artemisia abrotanum, is a statuesque evergreen herb growing to 4 feet tall. When stroked, the ferny foliage yields a strong, aromatic scent with citrus or lemon overtones. Its semi-woody branches are one of the darkest greens in the garden and are useful any time of the year for flower arrangements.

Lemon Thyme (Thymus citrodora) - a lovely spreading mound of dark green leaves or a variegated version with yellow edged leaves great for salads, vegetables, fish & chicken

Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) - a foolproof herb that grows just about anywhere with a fresh picked lemon scent used especially for a soothing and relaxing tea with a dash of honey

Lemon Verbena (Aloysia triphylla) - by far the most robust lemon fragrance, but a tender perennial that’s best grown in a large pot and used chopped in cakes and cookies                                                                  

Lemon Basil (Ocimun basilicum citriodorum ‘Mrs. Burns’) - an annual treat with bright green large leaves and a bright lemon aroma and flavor that lends a zip to pesto and is also delicious in sauces for chicken.

Lemon Mint (Monarda citriodora) - an annual with a distinctive combination of lemon and mint used to garnish beverages and dried for arrangements

Lemon Geranium (Pelagonium crispum) - crisp and crinkly small leafed scented geranium with distinctive lemon scent and used to line lemon cake pans or as a potpourri base  

Lemon Grass (Cymbopogon Citratus) - a structural element in the garden with its tall spiky leaves, it is commonly used for its sharp lemon flavor in stir fry and tea

“Lemon Gem” Marigolds (Tagetes tenuifolia) - an annual with small yellow lemon-scented edible flower petals with a spicy, citrus flavor

Lemon Catnip (Nepeta cataria ‘Citriodora’) -  a herbaceous perennial that has lavender flowers in spring, makes a fragrant tea and is used in sleep pillows and cat toys.



 The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it,
the world and all who live in it

Psalm 24:1

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