Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Making your own cards to bless friends and family is all the rage, so try making this simple teapot-shaped card.






First, choose some heavy weight paper – my favorite is wallpaper – and cut out two of the teapot shapes above in opposite directions using this template. 


Next, glue the two cut-outs together leaving the top section open. 


Add the following on the body of the teapot, either by writing on a plain card or attaching a printed version:


A Friendship Teapot

The handle represents caring arms
to hold you with understanding and support.
The spout stands for the pouring out of tears and laughter.
The tea inside signifies the beautiful relationship we share
- a blend of rare and precious treasure.


Fill with a favorite teabag and you have a special blessing to mail or give to someone!




“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others,
faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 
I Peter 4:10

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